“Shadow” is a book based on conversations the author had with storytellers from Africa and a poem by Blaise Cendrars, a French writer. Shadows are the main characters of the book, and these shadows live in Africa. The shadows come to life; they dance, they run, they are tricksters, but they have no voice. The mystery of the shadows are artistically display by the illustrations. They are more than just a thing, they come alive on the pages.
As I read this book with my Grandson, I did not fully appreciate what the author was telling the reader about the shadows. It took me 2 reads to acknowledge the beauty of the story. I never knew shadows could be described in so many ways. The book is dark and some younger children might find the pictures and/or story scary. I would recommend the book for older elementary children, and it could take more than one reading to comprehend the full message about what makes up a shadow.Fun Activity: With your child at bedtime get a flashlight, turn off all the lights and make hand shadows on the walls.
Published In: 1982
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Age Level: 5-8 years
AR Level: 3.2
Pages: 36
Stars: 4
Awards: 1983 Caldecott Medal
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