A boy named Bill sets out on an adventure to find a rainbow. As he embarks on his journey, he runs into three of his friends who join him on his adventure. The last child to complete the group is a girl named Liz who in my mind is the smartest of the group because she knows there is treasure at the end of the rainbow. After many attempts to find the elusive “end of the rainbow” the children return home without any gold but instead with a treasure of a different kind, a new friend in the form of a dog.
The children are optimistic and adventuresome, they are not disappointed when they can’t find the treasure. I like the way each child adds something to the journey, a butterfly net, binoculars, a wagon and candy. They follow their quest with cheerfulness and no complaining. My grandchildren (age 9 and 5) enjoyed the story and listened intently. This is a great book to get from your local library.
Fun Activities: Next time it rains look for rainbows. You and your child draw a picture of a rainbow.
Published In: 2022
Publisher: Milky Way
Age Level: 3-7 years old
AR Level: N/A
Pages: 44
Stars: 4
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