Based on the title of this book I could not resist checking it out of the library, “How to Eat a Book” what a great concept. Everybody knows you can get lost in a book but the thought of one eating the reader intrigued me. The girl, Sheila sits down to read a book and puff the book eats her. Then the same thing happens to her cousin and sister. After the children are eaten by the books the story lost me. It felt like a bunch of jumbled thoughts thrown together on the page and I couldn’t follow them. Many of the reviews called this book whimsical but to me it felt chaotic and confusing. The illustrations are clever, fun and in my opinion are the best part of the book.
My granddaughter enjoyed the book and there were lots of giggles from her when the children were being eaten. But like her Nana she could not follow the rest of the story. I asked her what was the best part of the book and her answer was the pictures. I would check this book out from the library, but I would not have it in my home library.Fun Activities: Ask your child what book they would like to be eaten by and then re-read it.
Published In: 2022
Publisher: Union Square & Kids
Age Level: 3-8 years
AR Level: N/A
Pages: 48
Stars: 3